Playing With Google +

4:02 AM

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Google re-create a new feature called Google + (plus) and is currently still in the testing phase. People who want to join in this Google + had to wait for an invitation (invite) from another user who has joined the Google + before, so do not be surprised if you want to log in here who have just written without bias Keep Me Post has an account here. You should ask your friends who have joined together to invite you so that you can also join the Google +.

Well, this time I will try to help those of you who recently joined the Google + * when all users are still relatively new, including me * who still feel confused to use these social networking. I am still in the process of learning to use it, but we did not hurt me share what I know of networking which is famous for its term of this Circle. Immediately wrote to the scene.

Before you have an account on Google +

For those of you who are interested in trying to use social networking, I suggest you should ask your friends who have joined together to invite you that you must also have the gmail service (email from google). Why should Gmail ..? Wong this was so had to use google's gmail. If your friend does not want to invite you, say to him "You really have the heart to see me miserable" hehehe kidding: D

Already have an account on Google +

If you already have an account on Google + then understand any terms that exist in social media on this one. Here are common terms that exist in Google +:


Circle (Circle), Circle in the Google + like 'Following' in Twitter. You

can include your contact list into the 'Circle' of existing, or create 
a 'Circle' new you like. To add people into the 'Circle' specific
you can simply 'drag' photo of the person you choose towards the 'Circle'
that you want. And you can also remove people from the
'Circle' is by way of 'drag' a picture toward the outside (out of the 'Circle').

Sparks is a place that allows you to search for information that suits your interests. For example, if your interest in the world of Robotics, you can choose Robotics as one of the sources of your reading to get the latest updates from the world of Robotics.

Hangout is a video chat service that you can use to chat with your friends, but to use this service you must first download its plugins. And most importantly you must install the 'cam' on your PC.

Chat is a feature similar to facebook that is what we call a chat, but in 

Google + there are 4 options to choose from to do these chats that
  include group chat, voice chat, video chat and the last is as usual the 
system of typing.

Sharing a new one from your

There is a lot that you can distribute via Google +, not only the status of 

wordsbut can also form a link, photo or video. Here are some things 
you should consider:

Note the numbering on the picture above, the following explanation.

  1.      Creating a diverse style of writing, either by thickening, slanted (italic) or Strike Trough.
  2.      Insert photos, video, or links can be done directly with the 'Click and Drag' to the status box.
  3.      The term 'Circle' in Google + like 'Following' in Twitter. You can include your contact list into the 'Circle' of existing, or create a 'Circle' new you like.
  4.      To me mention a person, use the '+' (plus) or '@' like in Twitter or Facebook.
  5.      If you want to share something in private, select the name (can be more than one) contacts, and do not forget to turn off the feature 'Reshare' that can not be deployed again to the people / other networks.
  6.      Click on the post time information (time stamp) that appears on the status of a person to see a   direct link to that status. You will need this link if you want membagikanya through blogs / web / or twitter / facebook.
  7.      If you want to make the status, do not forget to choose to whom will be distributed. Options to the 'Public' is green, meaning that the status can be read anyone. Choice of blue box, can be named anything depending on 'Circle' that you have made. It means that status can only be read by networking in the 'Circle' was selected. Except for the features 'Reshare' not turned off, people in the 'Circle' it could distribute more to others, but not to the 'Public'.
  8.      This is a collection of 'Shortcut' or 'hotkeys' that easy access from the keyboard.
  9.      To turn off the feature 'Reshare', see the arrow at the top right of your status, select the 'Disable reshare'. If you click on the status of others, then the menu that pops up is a feature to 'Report abuse', 'Mute ths post' and 'Block this person'.
  10.      +1 Button on each function the same status as 'Like' on Facebook. To turn it off, click once again. 
 Link from Dinnedo

see more 

Make Unique URL to Google+ Account

Shortcuts in using Google +

9 points early excess Google +

Update Facebook Status from the Status Google+

7 Important Things In Google Plus (Google +)




Make Unique URL to Google+ Account

11:36 PM

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who do not know google +, following a fatherly way to customize the URL for short URL, well just go ahead
Unlike Facebook and Twitter, Google's URL + offers no customization for the user profile, making it more difficult for Google + share your profile with friends. Instead, Google uses a long string of numbers to show the user profile (example: 117691391504351341685).

The reason Google does not provide a customizable URL because it can cause the spammers can figure out the million email addresses  of users Google + (+ because many Google accounts relating to the Gmail account).

But with the you can change your Google + ID in the form of a long string becomes short and easy to remember. is a simple application that allows you to create a unique URL and short for Google + your profile page, making it easier to share.
to try it just click here or on the image below
link from kabarit


Shortcuts in using Google +

12:04 AM

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The following is a shortcut that is we use the Surf the Google +
Already have a Google account + and still busy learning how to play in it? I had a chat leaked sheet that will really help you to be more familiar with Google +. Here they are ...

1. To write a letter THICK, add the asterisk at the beginning and end of the word: * word *, example: * * will be TeknoUp TeknoUp

2. To write italics, add an underscore at the beginning and end of words: _kata_, example: _TeknoUp_ will be TeknoUp

3. To write a letter with a strikethrough, add a dash at the beginning and end of words:-He said, EXAMPLE:-TeknoUp-will be TeknoUp.

4. Mention of friends in your post by adding + or @ at the beginning of the word: + skyvillezz or @ skyvillezz

5. Sending a Private Message by sharing post on certain people, and disable reshare.

6. Click the timestamp on a post will display the post with a permalink

7. Button GREEN: Those who are not in your circle, can see your postings.

BLUE button: Only those who are in the circle you can see these postings, except if the post is to share.

8. hotkeys:
- Space: to scroll down through the Stream
- Shift + Space to scroll up Stream
- A: Scroll down to next Google + stream update (scroll down to see the next Google + stream)
- K: Scroll up to previous Google + stream update (scroll up to see the previous update Google + stream)
- QQ: Jump to chat (Pressing twice Q moving your cursor to the search box in the 'chat' from Google +)

-Space: Scroll down the stream by regular intervals (Scroll down at regular intervals)

+ Shift-Space: Scroll up stream by regular intervals (Scroll up at regular intervals)

-Enter: When a stream update is selected Enter key moves your cursor to the comment box (When a stream update is selected Enter move your cursor to the comment box)

Tab + Enter: Submit Comments: Submitting a comment
- Return: Start comment (start Komtar)
- Tab Return: End Comment (end comment)

9. To prevent others from sharing your post, click the arrow located on the top right of the post, then choose 'Disable reshare'.

10. Click on the +1 button in a post, is synonymous with 'Like' on Facebook. Click on the +1 button once again, will cancel the 'Like' previously created.

11. Using a +1 on a posting will not make the post on the list +1 page in your possession. Unless +1 done via the web.

link from forumdetik 

9 points early excess Google +

11:50 PM

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1. Repost

There is a facility that has a term Reshared Repost, so we can directly quote a status of friends that exist in our circle. It's like Retweet on Twitter, on Facebook? no.

2. Set status

Status that we make can be arranged if it should not be shared or should not be commented upon return.

3. Letter mode varied

In contrast to the FB and Twitter, in G + (Google + acronym) can write a status with a skewed fashion, graffiti, or bold, exciting right?

4. Gif permitted

Load gif image extension makes loading time is long, but it works in G + gif extension so images can be running as usual when dishared on the status of G +.

5. Live Notification

This term is actually my own, if there is a notification on FB then to see the comments of people then we need to go the page in question. Not with the G + because we can immediately see the status of what once dikomentarin can directly reply to comments, sophisticated!

6. mild

With the live facility notification should require a connection that qualified but were barely adequate connections can be smoothly opened the G +.

7. Instant Upload

I tried G + applications on Android and there are facilities Instant Upload, initially I thought photographing ago to "share" photos, it was not like that because once the "cekrek" on Android applications directly uploaded the photo automatically. Many are afraid to later photographs can tershare inappropriate, but it turns out that in an instant photo was uploaded in an album and not published in the Stream.

8. Huddle

This facility can only be used in mobile applications G +, similar to a group chat IM and very stable great when I used.

9. Tag system

Similar to FB, the G + can make a tag on the status of the '@' and '+'. Tags can even be made through the mobile version.

 link From forum detik